Stinky the Pig Meets Sam

by Sandra Fairchild



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/29/2022

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 34
ISBN : 9781665558174
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 34
ISBN : 9781665558181
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 34
ISBN : 9781665558198

About the Book

Stinky, is a cute, adorable little pink pig, who was searching for a home when George found him. He and George have become best friends. Stinky is very happy living on the farm with his new family. In this story you will see how Stinky meets Sam. Sam is a pig from a different Country and speaks another language. Sam is Farmer Brown’s pig and he leaves Sam with Stinky for a few days. Farmer Brown told George that if Sam and Stinky teach each other their languages, they could become bilingual pigs. Will Sam and Stinky become friends? Will they learn each other’s language? Will they become bilingual pigs? What an adventure this will be!

About the Author

Sandra grew up in a quaint town in rural Texas. The small town was full of family and friends. Even still to this day, it is home. She and her husband, Ward, raised two daughters. Sandra had a lifelong love of reading and writing which she passed to her children and grandchildren. Currently she is teaching at Nueces Canyon Elementary continuing to spread the love of literature. Animals played an important part of life in her small town. Pets ranging from ducks, horses, dogs, cats, pigs, goats, and chickens hold precious memories for Sandra. Her tremendous love of animals and goal of spreading compassion and respect toward animals is why she chose to write the book “Stinky the Pig.” The book fulfilled a lifelong dream. She intends to do a series of books about “Stinky”. This book “Stinky the Pig Meets Sam” is the second book of the series.