by Edouard Ponist



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/22/2021

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781665543927
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781665543910

About the Book

Shemsu Hor, the Followers of Horus is a journey taking us in Ancient Egypt and the Hopi Nation. Two cultures separated by thousands of miles yet both have similar connections from the deep past regarding spiritual burial practices and reeds. Reeds are central connecting both cultures, reeds which were used to construct the first temple is Ancient Egypt and the reed depicted in the emergence story of the Hopi from the third to the fourth world. The first mound of the Ancient Egyptian temple and the sand ridge of Hopi ceremonial practice in their Kivas is explored and more including DNA. The journey then takes us to the here and now, how the Shemsu Hor have planted clues in stone for us to decipher regarding events unfolding today. Perhaps, we are not alone as well on our journey as human beings.

About the Author

Ed Ponist was born in Brooklyn New York City and raised in Forest Hills New York City. Graduating from Forest Hills High School he spent four years in the US Air Force as a medic stationed at Rhein Main AFB Germany. Upon discharge went to Michigan where he attended Michigan State University and earned a BA in French Literature. He also earned an Air Defense commission in the US Army through advanced ROTC at MSU and completed 20 years of service in the US Army Reserves. He was an artillery officer in an 8 inch self propelled battalion USAR in Lansing MI. He completed an RN program at Lansing Community College, worked as a Med Surg Nurse and finished his nursing career as an Occupational Nurse at General Motors. Previously married with two children, currently married with one stepson. Lives currently in East Lansing Michigan.