Ania and Her Storytelling Ania i jej opowiadania

by Marzena Roskiewicz



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/2/2022

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 30
ISBN : 9781665553155
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 30
ISBN : 9781665553162

About the Book

Six-year-old Ania loves spending time with her family and taking long walks; that's when the girl really opens up and starts telling her stories. On this walk, Ania imagines that from a bird's eye view, her cul-de-sac looks like a big tree, which would make her house a... Follow the story from Ania's imagination and find out what can happen when grown-ups really listen. Reread this tale in Polish and compare your impressions. Is the Polish speaking Ania still the same Ania?

About the Author

Marzena Roskiewicz was born and raised in Poland. After graduating from the University of Warsaw, she moved to Michigan, where she got married and began the biggest adventure of her life – becoming a mom of two incredible children, Adam and Ania. Marzena’s deep love for Poland and the Polish language motivated her to make sure that both her children would be raised bilingual. Spending countless hours with her children making up stories, drawing, and reading, Marzena eventually decided to try her hand at writing and illustrating. Her inspiration comes from observing Adam and Anna and listening to their stories and ideas. Marzena lives and creates in Michigan, but she will always dream in Polish.