Expressions of Faith

A Book of Poems by Doug Lusk

by Doug Lusk



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/17/2022

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781665552165
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781665552158

About the Book

The author considers the poems in this book to be expressions of his faith in the Lord. The earliest one of them allowed him to help a brother who was very ill and badly in need of encouragement and assurance. The many he has written since, speak of his thankfulness and appreciation for the spiritual guidance of a loving and gracious God. Words of joy and praise allow you to travel with him on his “daily walk with the Lord. “ “Whatever may befall me, I know Jesus is my friend, And He will always hold me close, will love me without end. A friend that one can count on is a blessing unsurpassed; Whenever doubt assails me, His love will hold me fast.”

About the Author

Doug Lusk, the author of this book, was raised in a small town in Kansas, went to the school there and attended the local Methodist Church. After college he spent a long career in the oil industry. He wrote a few poems when he was young but only one was preserved; a school project for Mother’s Day when he was ten. Made into a booklet, it told of the strength of friendship for his mom, “As high as any mountain, as deep as seas of blue.” It was found among her keepsakes. Then, happily married with two kids and “busy enjoying life,” poetry was essentially non-existent for years. It was unexpectedly resumed shortly after retirement when one of his brothers became very ill and a spiritual poem “out of nowhere,” helped Doug provide encouragement. Since then, with his new-found voice, he has continued to write these “expressions of faith,” giving thanks and praise for the encouragement and blessings he has received. His hope is that others might find a bit of encouragement in these words.