As One

A True Story that will inspire all Christians and others

by Reverend W. Norwood Starks



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/12/2023

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9798823012621
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9798823012638

About the Book

For all purposes, this is a grand, imposing and magnificent book, one that if a person purchase and read it, The Book is required to be put on a book shelf or cabinet and kept for future references because there are thirty two (32) chapters in this Book and somewhere along the way in life, you will find things essential to overcome certain obstacles in life. That one of those chapters will aid and assist you to overcome some major problem in Life that is very important to yourself and to others that is related to and /or associated with you. This Book is none- frictional, as it consist of words, phrases, verses of great prophets and the living God of Host and Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. It also consist of Prays and Meanful ways to heal yourself and others of all sickness and diseases, by and through prayer and faith. I am sure you may have read other religiously based books. But I am sure none was as impressive and admirable as this Book, which is impressive to the mind and spirit. Personally, I am not saying that this book is the best book that have been written, but I Am saying, that if you follow the instructions and wordings of this book and keep the faith you Will obtain happiness; peace; protection; freedom; good health; safety; long life; a good lasting marriage; and wealth. Yes wealth. God want you to have wealth, a nice home and material Goods, Consider what he done to “JOB” and to “KING SOLOMON”, the son of DAVID.

About the Author

Reverend W. Norwood Starks a servant and friend of Jesus Christ our lord and savior, who called, appointed, anointed and ordained me to be a minister and bond servant for Jesus. Who directed and instructed me to preach the gospel and bring all Christians and others to the attention of His Eleventh commandment. Where Jesus Christ our Lord and savior gave the peoples a NEW COMMANDMENT, and instructed all his Disciples and all the peoples that followed and believed in him, namely, the Christians and Christian Churches, to follow in lifting up the Lord and keeping his commandments, “TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER AND BECOME AS ONE, TO ONE ANOTHER ”, As Jesus commanded in John, Chapter 13, verse 34-35; John Chapter 15, verse 12-15; John, Chapter 17, verse 11, and 20-24. The Lord called me and commanded me to tell the people to become AS ONE, as He had commanded. Where all that obeyed could obtain peace, happiness and joy as the Lord intended. And for me to gather the people together and lead them to the king’s highway to obtain salvation, as the hour is near, as follows: The spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the lord has anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he has sent me to bind up the broken hearted; to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are bond. And heal the sick.