Bible in Context

by Paige-Patric Samuels



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/3/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9798823085120
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9798823085137

About the Book

Bible in Context is the term used for students of the Bible who desire to learn about what the Bible is says and teach, why bible in context? Because we are confronted on many occasion when we read the bible has become an occupational hazard as oppose to a joyful fulfilment. With that being said! Bible in Context is a term that was used as an undergraduate model for student who desire to embark on a course of student in how to interpret the Scriptures. Looking at the Bible in context as different types of meaning for different people within the spare of our social location. If you we are taking to a Reformed Christian believer, it would be the task of taking a course of Hebrew and Greek and Latin and translating from the its original meaning, then through the usage of language lexicons and concordance, and with the different translations, (versions) can arrive at some sense of what the original audience meant, as well as reading the entire chapter sometime two or three chapters, can then arrive at the sense of the context of what is said. In an other vain asking a Pentecostal, we may arrive at a different take as what is context. It would be a chapter, a verse or a paragraph. What is pneumatically engaged. ( dependance on the Holy Spirt for its true sense of meaning). Conversely, Bible in Context is a hermeneutical disciple, which calls the student of the Bible to become an efficient student by employing a number of tools for appropriate investigative approach to the Scripture.

About the Author