by Etse Kobla Makafui Ladzekpo



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/7/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 74
ISBN : 9798823016735
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 74
ISBN : 9798823016742

About the Book

The book contributes towards the rediscovery of the concept of African-ness and the rejuvenation of the African tradition and culture. It is in the hope of saving the African way of life that pro-Africanists have found it necessary to hold on to their native African names and encourage their use as a means of espousing the cultural heritage of the people. Though the main focus is on African names, the book slides in brief moments into some cultural elements of the African people. There is so much to be said about the people of Africa that this book cannot now fulfil. However, it is anticipated that African names are a good start to highlight the essential features of the life of the people. Consequently, it is expected that the book would aim to signify and reflect the rich diversity of Africa’s ethnic and rural communities.

About the Author

The author had his secondary education at Bishop Herman College, Kpando, in the Volta Region. After a brief spell at the Bank of Ghana, the author proceeded to the United Kingdom. He graduated from the University of North London with a BSc in Applied Social Science (Policy Studies), in 1994. He subsequently gained an MSc in Information Systems and Technology from the City University, in 1995. He enrolled into the teacher training institution at the University of Greenwich and graduated with a PGCE(FE), in 1997. After gaining a series of teaching experiences, he went on to obtain a driver training qualification as an addendum to his desire to contribute towards effective driving and safety on the roads. He currently has an engagement with the Driving Instructors’ Association, UK, as an Examiner The author’s family is renowned for the promotion and propagation of the Anlo traditional music and dance popularly known as Atsiagbekor. Although he does not indulge in the practical exhibition of the dance form himself, he does ensure that the cultural and historical origin of the music and dance are embedded in the lives and experiences of the people. In all these, he has a deep interest in his African heritage. He has shown real willingness to propagate the positive African cultural and societal ethos in much of his undertakings. He has participated in Black History Month events to highlight these activities and pursuits.