Catherine! Stop the Stoppers!

by Florence Adewumi



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/4/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 90
ISBN : 9798823086196
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 90
ISBN : 9798823086189

About the Book

At a critical point in her life, author Florence Adewumi vowed she would never let anyone, or anything, stop her from achieving her goals, especially with God on her side. She was determined to rise and break through any obstacles to achieve her goals and dreams. In Catherine! Stop the Stopper!, Adewumi shares a true-life story, accompanied by excerpts from scriptures, that encourages all to persevere and not give up on dreams or give in to anything less than achieving every aspiration. Catherine! Stop the Stopper! inspires people to rise above the odds of life, stretch beyond the limits; break the ceiling, fence, and gate; and reach the best God has planned for them. It encourages Christians to revamp and refine to enable them to take the delivery of God’s blessings.

About the Author