Un-coding the covid-19 World Reset: A 666 Agenda

Smart World, Smart Technology and Smart Viruses

by Mukuhi wa Mwangi



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/26/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 408
ISBN : 9798823020343
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 408
ISBN : 9798823020336

About the Book

Covid-19 pandemic was a world reset intended to give the wealthy elite an upper hand to control world governance and world economies. Since the pandemic there has been an aggression to remove the systems that has been in place for years in exchange for their manmade system. Various plans are underway to control and dominate the entire world to the system of the wealthy elite. This book lifts the rid to expose the operations of the new world order their deception, manipulations and control to achieve their goals. I break down what went on from covid-19 pandemic, to its DNA altering RNA vaccine to the Genetically Modified organisms (GMO) to the synthetic lab made beef in light of scripture and what is prophesied to take place in the end times. The removal of God ordained system in place of their antichrist system is key to unveil the wealthy elite business models and the end times. The keynote throughout the book is to expose the antichrist and his system that desires to remove the God ordained systems that has been in our world since creation and replace it with a man-made system, 666, that will enslave the human race to the wealth elites behind the manmade system. The pandemic begun the world reset to prepare the world for an antichrist ruled system.

About the Author

Mukuhi wa Mwangi was born in Nairobi, Kenya. She has a BS in Biology from Morgan State University and did her Nursing from Baltimore City Community College. In her undergraduate years, she participated in biological research sponsored under NIH from a local university. She gained knowledge in biological research and came to terms with how research can be dangerous if in the wrong hands of individuals with no moral compass that respects human life. During the Covid-19 pandemic, she took care of Covid-19 patients and saw from firsthand how the pandemic was deadly and how patients declined so fast within a matter of minutes. I travelled all over the USA during Covid-19 and still work at the bedside taking care of patients.