When Grammy Looked Away!

What Did Zoe See?

by Roz Brookz & Zoe



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/15/2024

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 40
ISBN : 9798823089463
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 40
ISBN : 9798823089470

About the Book

Grammy, babysitting her grandchildren who live in another country, wants a few moments of peace to drink her coffee, so she sets a task for the chattering Zoe: “Tell me what you cannot see.” And so the game begins and the book is born! Accumulating animals on every page, the story follows in the footsteps of wonderful legacy books, such as The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch, in its predict-and-recall-friendly- format. As parents and grandparents, we recognize our families in this charming book, written, with love, to entertain and educate. For parents who work away; families living in different households, you’re on video-link from your sofa to their bedroom, your child follows the junior version, with its full-page illustrations while you read the narrative. Adults and children have an identical book and follow the story at their own level. For grandparents whose long-distance WhatsApp calls may be, like mine: “So how is your Minecraft going?” And so follows a fascinating description of something, for which I have no terms of reference. The solution is simple. Here is the ultimate read-together book. You will meet chatty Zoe, Grammy Roz in her afternoon siesta mode, young Samuel who only wants to help Grammy, and Buster the dog, who knows a scary coyote when he sees one. An amazing assortment of wild animals are brought to the backyard by Zoe’s fertile imagination, joining beautifully illustrated local wildlife. And… can you spot Buster the dog, who wanders onto every page? With the charming family interactions of the Bluey animations, the story entertains with the fun of prediction and participation in the story while including collective nouns, adjectives, similes, verbs, and adverbs. It is an outstanding and versatile resource for classroom teachers and home educators because Grammy is a teacher to her core!

About the Author

Roz still enjoys working in education after more than forty years. She holds an Honorary BA in Education from the University of Bath, England. She is a grandmother to eleven grandchildren, scattered across the globe, and a freelance tutor. Teaching students from 3 to 63 years, she was a class teacher, program manager for disengaged teenagers, head of special education at a tertiary College, an Ofsted Inspector for Nurseries, and lead practitioner for her County’s Virtual School, overseeing the education of children in care. Her early learning series “Flying Start” was published by Folens. In 2021 Roz was very proud to reach The Digital Women Industry Awards: National Finals shortlist, from over 200 nominees, for Role Model of the Year. Roz loves writing stories for each of her grandchildren. She publishes children’s education packs, teaching creative writing through storytelling, with multi-sensory tasks, away from a screen. Find them at https://talkwell2writewell.co.uk and on Amazon. Roz plays in recorder consorts, in the UK and USA, being Cornish, she has sailed all her life and was a national sea angling coach. She loves dancing and volunteering at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall.