Odalie Markette

by Dr. Allen R. Remaley



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/10/2024

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 186
ISBN : 9798823033299
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 186
ISBN : 9798823033305

About the Book

Imagine, if you can, an attractive young woman from the Loire Valley in France. At first glance, yes, both women and men are attracted to her character, beauty, and the way she lives in her little town of Blois… However, this woman also has a certain touch about her when, applied to the right person (male or female), allows them to prosper and become proficient at what they do. Enter an expatriate American antique seller, himself a handsome newcomer to the Loire Valley. Odalie is attracted. The two become lovers and during their familiarization with one another, make a startling discovery! They acquire a 15th century mirror and an ancient tavern sign which is associated with the most famous French poet of all time. Mysteriously, the mirror becomes a portal to time, place, and person. Unexpected verbal and visual exchanges take place which lead us to questioning what is real, and what is imagined. Odalie’s wizardry takes a jump forward into the future. Come on in… But watch your step!

About the Author

Allen R. Remaley is not a New York Times Best-Selling Author. However, he is a story teller. His doctorate is in French Language and Literature. He is the former Department Head of Foreign Languages in the Saratoga Springs, NY City Schools and has taught at Union University, Schenectady, NY as a graduate-school professor of foreign language teaching. In 1984, he was named ‘The Outstanding Secondary Teacher of Foreign Languages in the State of New York’ by the New York Association of Foreign Language Teachers. Some of his stories were the result of his enlistment at the age of seventeen in the United States Marine Corps.