SpeakEasy Method First Draft


Let your voice write your story.

Whether you’ve hit writer’s block or you want a quick way to get the first draft of your story ready, the SpeakEasy Method is about genuine conversations to help ignite your creativity. These discussions are recorded and transcribed, which forms the foundational content that you can piece together into your book.

What you get:

  • Step 1 - Initial Discovery Session. A detailed 60-minute Zoom video call with Gregg and his team for them to learn more about you and your book project as well as to explain how The SpeakEasy Method can help bring your vision to life.
  • Step 2 - Pre-Production Visioning Session. A 90-minute Zoom video call to develop your book idea, create an outline for your upcoming recording sessions, and solidify a vision of what you will be creating from now until the date of publishing. Additional visioning discussion will include title and subtitle development, brand identity and message clarity, cover design ideas and creative elements for your book, and possible "cause" affiliations for social impact.
  • Step 3 - Book Recording Sessions and Accompanying Planning & Strategy Sessions. A total of six individual 90-minute Zoom recording sessions will be scheduled with you to create your first draft by "writing with your voice" in a collaborative setting with Gregg or one of his SpeakEasy Method producers.
    • Each recording, generally an hour in length, will be transcribed and edited to text for you to build the foundation of your forthcoming drafts.
    • You will also receive the audio recordings of each session with an accompanying REFLECTIONS exercise specially developed by The SpeakEasy Method to assist you in building out your manuscript from your own spoken voice.
    • Each recording session will also include a 30-45 minute Planning & Strategy call with SpeakEasy Method producers to ensure each recording session is flowing and consistent with the outline and vision created at the start of your program.
  • Step 4 - Final Transcript Delivery. At the end of your recording sessions, you will be presented with a final transcript of all of your spoken words.
    • Each hour-long recording generally produces 12-15 pages of content, or 8,000 to 10,000 words total.
    • By the end of your Book Project recordings, you will have approximately 75-100 pages of content, or 50,000 to 80,000 words which will be the foundation of your first draft to build from.
  • Step 5 - Post-Production Visioning Session. After you have finished all recordings and have your final transcripts in hand, you will now begin to develop the first draft of your book through "book mapping” exercises and discussions about your upcoming coaching sessions to follow, in an at least one-hour Zoom video call.
  • Step 6 - From Transcript to Manuscript Coaching. You will now be scheduled with a professional writing coach who will assist you in story and book development through four 1-hour-long sessions which will ensure that the vision of your book is clear and you feel confident writing the story you wish to share. You will be guided and supported as you begin to transform the raw and authentic words within your transcripts into a powerful manuscript you will create with confidence and clarity.
  • Step 7 - 30 Day Follow-Up Session. After working with the writing coach, and as you begin the process of writing your manuscript, you will be provided with a 30-minute follow-up Zoom video session to check-in on your progress, offer suggestions, and answer any additional questions you may have. Think of this as the “finishing touch” to help you produce a manuscript that you can be proud of and conveys your story exactly the way you envisioned!

All You Need to Know

Who is Gregg Gonzales?
Gregg Gonzales has more than 20 years’ experience as a wellness professional. He is also an instructor, facilitator, small business owner and an inspirational speaker. His vocation has driven him to help many people find their inner voice and nurture positivity in their lives. Gregg has helped over 65 individuals find their voice and share their story through the SpeakEasy Method.

What should I expect during the interview or brainstorming sessions?
Through a series of insightful promptings, Gregg Gonzales and his team will help you formulate the details, theme, tone, and scope of your story. You’re also going to have time to develop your author brand, identify your audience, and even visualize your book’s cover. In these sessions, there are no right or wrong answers. You just need to speak your mind, and let your voice write your story.

Ready to get started? Call AuthorHouse at 833.262.8899.