
by W. W. Monigold



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/06/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 216
ISBN : 9780759636064

About the Book

Will Psydececk (pronounced "sigh-da-check") isn’t just a private detective he’s a law school dropout with a fondness for loud Hawaiian shirts and a penchant for head trauma – his own head. His office is Shakespeare’s Tempers, a bar below the apartment where he lives with his partner, Helen, a lawyer turned artist and their three cats. "I’m not an action detective," he says, "I’m much too happy with myself." The only problem is he can’t stay out of trouble.

In Psydececk’s first adventure, Shakespeare’s Tempers, the hapless detective chases drug smugglers, slave traders, and the super rich – yes, all the things that make America great – across southern California and Mexico attempting to find a brutal murderer. His second adventure, Vivaldi’s Tractor, takes Will head to head with a neo-nazi Christian fundamentalist sect in northern Idaho. In this story, Psydececk not only encounters neo-nazis but a body that’s fallen from the sky, a punk teenage kidnapper, an industrialist named King Davis, the CIA, the ATF, and a talking dog.

If you want hard hitting adventure, hard-boiled prose and some tongue in cheek laughs you have to read these two novels by W.W. Monigold.

About the Author

A native of Seattle, Washington, W. W. Monigold is a poet, playwright and novelist. His poems have been published and performed in the United States, Canada, Ireland, Great Britain, and France. His plays have been performed in Seattle, Portland, Oregon, and Los Angeles. He lives with his partner, Annn of twenty years and their cat, Cowboy. Although Psydececk is his seventh novel it is Mr. Monigold’s first mystery.