Friends to Die For

by Rosalind W. Johnson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/03/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781410711465

About the Book

This is the story of six friends, the first generation of African Americans who came of age at a unique time in their history, the eve of the civil rights movement. They trust only each other. This unusual intimacy has bred an interdependence that extends to each having claims on the others’ time, resources, and ultimately a marriage bed. Suddenly, they face a frightening truth: life did not deal them the perfect hand they thought they held.

As summer approaches, pent-up fears result in behavior they never could have foreseen. The good friends-relationship between Heleena and Al explodes across the boundaries of friendship. Karen’s determination to control her children’s lives ends in tragedy. Her daughter, unlike her son, is incapable of resisting her mother’s unrelenting pressure. She becomes prey for a man whose seemingly caring nature hides a cruel streak. Marva has reached a point in her marriage where she can no longer pretend normalcy as she takes a hard look at her life with Al. He, on the other hand, still feels the sting of Marva’s trap after all their years together.

By the end of September the group’s close-knit bond is forever torn.

About the Author

The author, like her characters, is a member of the first generation of African Americans to take advantage of all the benefits brought by the civil rights movement. A keen observer of this population, she is in a position to understand their fears and concerns as they examine their life choices. She knows intimately that even though they appear to "have it all together," but scratch the surface and their world is in turmoil. She is a trial attorney, formally with the U.S. Department of Justice.