I Give This Poetry to You for Free to Teach How to Be a Wife of a Man Who's Rich

by John Shakespeare



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 06/05/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 104
ISBN : 9781420815191

About the Book

Although important ladies have discriminated against me, I still love them and wish to suggest to them how to find a nice rich man for a husband.  However, these poems concern all ladies, powerful or weak, big or small, who are looking for a good, wealthy man for a husband.  My advice in these emotionally-tinged poems should help them on their way.  And should any eminent pretty lady among you fall in love with my soul through these poems, please come to me.  We can be with one another and become one flesh, legally and spiritually, through marriage certification.

About the Author

Holy wisdom is undefeatable in the name of God forevermore.

So always follow your dreams while you obey the heavenly law.

I’m spiritual, an American dream & superior scholar, I guarantee.

Any eminent woman who puts her head on my heart happy will be.


My lady will feel extremely enamored when her I tenderly squeeze.

We will experience a heavenly crystal love with a gentle, divine kiss.

I have written about congresswomen, judges, and important big fish.

Let other ladies see what I’ve written; to all of you good luck I wish.


It is now time for my book to end; I pray that God bless all of you.

I hope you trust me & put yourself in my hands to find out what to do.