But Granny!

by John K. Finegan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 05/10/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 340
ISBN : 9781438912936

About the Book

This book describes the life of a West Texas family, begining with accounts of a country boy's early childhood and meeting the love of his life on Devils River as had his Grandfather. It describes the couples marriage and documents the trials and tribulations of ranching and raising a family during the worst drought recorded in Texas. Participating in 4-H, Boy Scouts,Brownies,and Girl Scouts along with all the adventures and misadventures they encountered. This narrative also describes the family's development of one of the first successful hunting organizations in Texas, encompassing the family's love of this area's flora and fauna, along with the challenges of entertaining guests from all parts of the world. Laugh with them at the many escapades encountered as different folks hunted and played together in a strange environment; cry with them as you read about the trying experience of having to sell what generations had struggled for a century to save.  

About the Author

     John K. Finegan was born in Del Rio, Texas on July 19, 1928 to Brancie Fawcett Finegan and O.D. Finegan. He developed at an early age a love of the ranch, its creatures, and the land. Finegan spent as much time as possible on the ranch and always wanting more.

     He went to school in Del Rio, graduating from High School in 1945. Started his college education at Texas A.& M University and attending for two years. Transferring to Sul Ross college in Alpine, Texas in 1947. He continued his education in agriculture for an additional two years before returning to the family ranch.

     While attending Sul Ross he was instrumental in the forming of the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association. He also competed on the Livestock Judging team for Sul Ross.

     Upon leaving college, he took over the operation of the family ranch. He was soon building a home for his bride to be completed by their wedding date set for June 7, 1950.

     He served as a speaker for each of the Rancher's Roundups held by the Texas A.& M Exstension Service at Del Rio, Texas in 1981, San Angelo, Texas in 1983, and in Kerrville, Texas in 1986.

     Among his accomplishments were serving two terms on the Vestry of St. James Episcopal Church, Scoutmaster of Troop 202 for eight years, Chairman of Del Rio Chamber of Commerce, Natural Resources Committee,

Assistant coach for Val Verde Rifle team for many years, and President of Amistad Bass Club two years. Among his cherished memories will be the publishing of “A Texas Ranching Family: The Story of E.K. Fawcett.”