The Spirit of Yesterday Revealed

Do not let your past dictate your future and stop your destiny

by Leatrice Renee Crisler-Draper



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 09/07/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9781438952147

About the Book

         The Spirit of Yesterday is a cowardly spirit that operates in your past, to stop you from walking into your now, tomorrow and your future. This spirit operates with the memory recall spirit to continue to present your past to you. If you dwell or live in the past you will never walk into your now, tomorrow, future, or fulfill your destiny. This spirit distorts your faith, focus, purpose and vision. He knows where there is no vision the people will perish. In conclusion this book gives you insight and wisdom on how to conquer your past. So that you will have the freedom to walk into your future and fulfill your destiny. This book will also equip you for the battle so that you will be able to stand against everything that comes your way that's contary to the will and the purposes of God for your life, and to reign with Jesus Christ in the power of His might and destroy the spirit of Yesterday.

About the Author

        God has given Leatrice Crisler-Draper the anointing, the power and a creative ability to write and to be an Apostolic and Prophetic voice in the earth in this end time move of God. God has given her a revelation and exposed this end time demonic spirit that Satan has released into the earth to destroy God's people. God has given her insight on how the Spirit of Yesterday operate and wisdom on how to fight, counter attack the enemy, war against him and how to defeat him.