The ABC’s of Values

A Treasure of Thoughts for Living

by Naomi W. Zaslow



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 17/01/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 372
ISBN : 9781452088570
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 372
ISBN : 9781452088563

About the Book

                              &nbs p                        From men walking in breadlines, to men walking on
                              &nbs p             the moon; from women’s place being in the home, to
                              &nbs p             her place being CEO of corporations; from a struggle
                              &nbs p             to succeed in life, to the responsibilities it entails, “The
                              &nbs p             ABC’s of Values” deals with ideas and ideals that are
                              &nbs p             essential in living life.

                              &nbs p             The transformation of society is inevitable, leading to
                              &nbs p             an older generation’s questioning the new. But some
ways of interacting with others, keeping reasonable and responsible standards,
is vital to living a good and fulfilled life in every generation.

The words chosen in “The ABC’s of Values” and their short, insightful evaluation,
can encourage contemplation on how to be a better person and live a better
life. The book does not pass judgment on the present or glorify the past, but tries
to evaluate actions and attitudes that can improve an individual and society.

Words abound in today’s society, on radio, television, telephone, on iPods and
are not necessarily significant. This book takes important or ordinary words
and explores their meaning and ways in which they can explain a difficulty, en-
courage action, or explore a positive component. Words have meaning, and what
they mean can help us lead a better life and be a better person.

Each word in the book is accompanied by a famous quotation. Each word is
aimed at encouraging the reader to enjoy a happy, successful, life of good humor,
good friends, good times, doing good things for yourself and those who share it
with you.

The ABC’s of Values makes it clear that goodness is not always present, but a
good attempt at recognizing difficulties and dealing with them makes it possible
to live and enjoy a good life.

About the Author

Naomi W. Zaslow began her career as a successful child entertainer, and later received best actress honors as a scholarship student at Temple University. She became a radio and TV actress, newspaper reporter and columnist and was a founder and president of The Delaware County Press Club.

As PR director for Marple Newtown School District in suburban Philadelphia she was a founder and president of the Pennsylvania School Public Relations Association, and vice president of The National School Public Relations Association. She won national honors for publications and for writing, directing and producing “General High School”, a soap opera with a message, that ran for ten years on cable television, culminating in an ACE award nomination..

Naomi recently published her heartfelt autobiography, “Memories of a Life Well Loved” and her historical drama, Forgotten First Ladies”, was performed for audiences in West Palm Beach, Florida. She was inducted into South Philadelphia High School's Cultural Hall of Fame and recently honored by Friends of Old Time Radio. Her commitment to community led to presidencies in synagogue-sisterhood, B'nai B'rith, and PTA.

Love and happiness in family life Naomi considers her greatest accomplishment. She cherishes her marriage of over 60 years, and is grateful that her love led to raising and loving four children, thirteen grandchildren, and eight great-grandchildren. This rich tableau of four generations inspired her to write “The ABC's of Values”

Words have meaning, and Naomi wants to explain to others, especially young people, why their outlook, opinions, attitudes toward themselves and others, and trying and being their best, is so important.

The ABC's of Values, written in short paragraphs, are explanatory, not judgmental. The ideas and ideals are meant to edify and encourage self confidence, self improvement and living well with and for others. The letter “L” is Naomi's favorite. To her, love is life's most important value.