
The Book of Loss

by Dallas S. Paskell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 07/01/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 600
ISBN : 9781452005980
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 600
ISBN : 9781452005973

About the Book

Starius Duro is forced to leave his home after a duel for his sister's honor ends badly and the family and adventuring team of the nobleman he fought are out for revenge. He, along with his two best friends Taj Xavier and Gunnar Holt, flee their beloved city of Eternis in the middle of the night joined by a priest named Callenleigh Virgo. The four start on a dangerous adventure, fighting bands of lizardfolk and meeting both friends and enemies along the way; including the legendary father of all vampires. The team is joined by an outcast half-breed, a master of all disguises, and a talented wizard as they take on more challenging, dangerous missions. Taj, the son of a legendary adventurer and the lover of Starius' sister Destiny, begins a life he's always dreamed about as an adventurer who gains fortune and fame, but as friends are made and lost as the team continues to travel further and further away from their beloved homeland, Taj begins to wonder if this is truly the life for him. When the team is hired by a mysterious moon elf named Silverleaf, they begin a mission that takes them all over the world and lands them in more trouble than what they bargained for. Unbeknownst to them, they are being followed by another team set out for revenge against Starius for killing their leader. As they face down the team in a bloody bittersweet battle, the rest of the world is being threatened by a creature more volatile and more powerful than any they could have ever imagined. The team is soon divided into heroes and cowards as some choose to fight a losing battle to save their world while others watch as Thedia's apocolypse approaches.

About the Author

Dallas S. Paskell; a native of Vidor, Texas attended college at Lamar University. He's also an independant professional wrestler and active mixed martial artist training with Team Hoger in Houston, Texas. He competes at 185, middleweight. He has had a love for fantasy his entire life and is an avid tabletop gamer and cites many of his tabletop RPG'S and RPG experiences as influences for Medieval: The Book of Loss Coming soon: Medievial: The Book of War. The second installment in the Medieval series I'm probably the only cagefighter in the world that writes fantasy" -Dallas S. Paskell