A Great Silence in the Land

by K. W. Swain



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/11/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781452067926
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781452067919

About the Book

In A Great Silence in the Land, K.W. Swain adamantly defends the Holy Bible--the actual dictation of the Holy Spirit who inspired holy men of old first to speak it, then to record it, and later translate it on its way around the globe to spread the Gospel of Christ.   It is the Word of the Holy Spirit, and His watch care over it is described in a small but interesting history of the KJV.

Why has it been disavowed?

Could it be the desire of today's world to be free of its "outdated" commands and the torment of conscience that has extinguished it as a light to the nations?

Could this time of great wickedness be a result of its silence?

The Holy Bible tells us how the world began and how it will end, but the world in its pleasures is blind to prophecy that is being fulfilled even now. Is the Book of The Revelation coming to life before our eyes?

Here is an awakening look at the signs of the times. Believers will have much to think about. Unbelievers will scoff, but as events make headlines, even they may be surprised.

About the Author

Mrs. Swain is a retired teacher whose only claim to credentials for writing this book is her reverence for and study of God's Holy Word.  The anger generated by its global rejection by  both leaders and populace strong-armed her into its defense. She writes to a slightly derisive audience of questioners and brings them around to comparing the rejection of the Word of God and its attendant Holy Spirit to the death of the two witnesses in the Book of the  Revelation. Together they discover just how closely the end of the Book of Providence compares to the headline events of today.