by Marc W. Garvin



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 09/11/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 124
ISBN : 9781452063461

About the Book

The Bahamas archipelago consisting of some 690 islands and cays sprawled over a water surface area of nearly 140,000 square miles, with hundreds of hideouts, makes if difficult to be effectively patrolled. For this reason, the area has been for centuries a heaven for smugglers and illegal traders. This novel deals with some of those activities, which remnants are still present today and will continue to exist, for as long as they serve the purpose of political an social convenience.

About the Author

Mr. Garvin spent most of his early years in the Caribbean Basin and later on as an adult, he travelled extensively through the Greater and Lesser Antilles, and The Bahamas archipelago as well. His deep knowledge of the geology, geography and history of that area has motivated him to write at both, fiction and non-fiction levels, numerous articles and books dealing with travel, social and human behavioral issues.