The Chocolate Industry, Plagued with Child Abuse, Rape, Sodomy & the Murdering of Children for Organ Trafficking
Sequel to “The Cocoa Plantations America’s Chocolate Secret…”

Book Details
About the Book
The author Raymond C. Christian wants you to delve into the facts he is presenting in this book. Why is there so much chaos concerning children today? Not just those enslaved on the Cocoa Plantations but every child who has been victimized and for every adult who has covered up the abuse they have silently suff ered with for years. The outstretched hands are there to comfort you. The white rose is for peace and guidance; it allows those who have been damaged to fi nd their way back. The red background exemplifi es the blood and bodies of so many children on the Cocoa Plantations who were murdered and other Children around the world whose lives have been taken and their bodies never found. They cry out from the land under which they are buried. The hands cradling the white rose symbolically represents parents all over the world. The outstretched hands are there to prevent our children from falling. A parent’s intervention is vital and the innocent life of every child is sacred & must be protected from every protential threat. I ask you, why are the laws which are put in place to protect our children not being enforced? There is an evil in the hierarchy that must be exposed. I am prayerful this book will heighten your level of awareness, “The Cocoa Plantations, The Tobacco Plantations, and The Sweatshops of China.” Remember “WE HAVE A ZERO TOLERANCE FOR CHILD ABUSE”