Panola: My Kinfolks' Land

by Evelyn Dilworth-Williams



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 02/01/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 136
ISBN : 9781403382023

About the Book

Panola: My Kinfolks' Land depicts life experiences, beliefs, and values of a people in poetic form and is illustrated in five sections. Section one, Backland Prairie, reflects layers of interaction with people and nature during childhood that help instill early values and beliefs. Section two, Weedin', includes poems that show how people discard futile traits in their lives and replace them with those that nurture the spirit, such as laughter. Section three, Bedrock, contains poems designed to show life experiences that shape values and beliefs, both past and present. Section four, Clearing New Ground, consists of poems that replace and reshape values and beliefs to make way for others to create new growth for the future. The last section, The Heart's Harvest, denotes an amassing of life experiences, values and beliefs that are stored in the heart to guide one through life. This book of poetry is designed to share poetic thoughts that will tap into the emotional oasis of its readers, hopefully making a positive impact in their lives.

About the Author

Evelyn Dilworth-William is a secondary teacher, guidance counselor, and a master facilitator of parenting education. She received her B.A. in Sociology from Miles College in Fairfield, Alabama. She is also a graduate of the University of Alabama in Birmingham Graduate School of Education in Guidance and Counseling, with additional study in Family Counseling. She is also a certified parenting facilitator by Active Parenting Publishers of Atlanta, Georgia. Dilworth-Williams enjoys writing as well as reading poetry. Some of her most recent readings of her poetry have been at the Civil Rights Institute in Birmingham, the public library in Birmingham, various heritage affairs, and social gatherings. Her poetry is one of the counseling techniques used with her students and their parents. Her poems range from inspirational to down right humorous. Dilworth-Williams poetic motivation is a blend of all life’s energy.