Morning Promises & My Evening Songs

by Evelyn Dilworth-Williams



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/12/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9781420808513

About the Book

Morning Promises & My Evening Songs uncoils the phases of the day. Each phase rewards us with blessings. Some are easily seen while others are disguised beyond understanding yet they are blessings. This book illustrates the moods of life during the course of a day (or life’s moments in time) with the use of poetry & lyrics. Each poem is a personal relationship and each song has a self-proclaimed tune from personal experiences of life’s intriguing journey.

About the Author

Evelyn Dilworth-Williams is a secondary teacher, guidance counselor, and a master facilitator of parenting education.   She received her undergraduate degree from Miles College in Fairfield, Alabama and her graduate degree from the University of Alabama in Birmingham.  AuthorHouse Publishers published her first selection of poems: Panola: My Kinfolks’ Land in 2003.  Her recent readings of her poetry have been at the Fifth Annual Summer Institute Family Research Consortium III in Santa Ana Pueblo, New Mexico, Afro-World in St. Louis Missouri, The Yo-Yo Sista’s Book Club in North Carolina, Civil Rights Institute in Birmingham, the public libraries in Birmingham, Black History and Kwanza affairs, various heritage affairs, church and social gatherings.