Lost and Found

by Rodney S. Owens



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 08/01/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781414036915

About the Book

From A to Z, top to bottom and left to right.  Poems, ramblings and pieces, written from experience and imagination.  Real life witnessed through the eyes of one person, one writer, one soul.  Memories that were forgotten, broken relationships of the past and true love of the present and future.  Misguided steps taken through the hard and dark times and shots of strength both large and small.  Off the wall creations of fiction inside unreal worlds of fantasy and horrors hidden within frightful darkness.  Fragments of humor peppered with a mix of light and dark undertones.

From Z to A, bottom to top and right to left.  Pieces, ramblings and poems.  Cover to cover, there’s never a dull moment.

About the Author

For Rodney S. Owens, the spark of poetry ignited in Jr. High and continued throughout High School.  Instead of doing typing assignments, he would type poems.  He wrote humorous little pieces that would have his friends rolling with laughter.  After graduation, he spent four years in the Armed Forces where his outlook and his life were changed.  During this time, his writing became darker, deeper and sharper.  Time spent in Germany and Saudi Arabia had influenced him greatly, so much so that this style of writing  carried over into his civilian life.  It wasn’t until he met his wife Sharon, that he was able to break out of the set rhyming style he always used.  The darkness of which he  wrote about was lifted.  His eyes were opened to different styles, different views and different attitudes. 

In 1997, he was published in Endless Skies of Blue by The National Library of Poetry.  He began sharing his poems with other writers on the Internet.  As they commented on his work, he realized he was able to help give strength to those who were on the same dark path he once traveled.   The positive reaction to his writings has inspired him to entertain others by sharing more of himself. 

Rodney has seen many miles and days, with many more to go.  As each one passes, he continues to learn, live, and write.  He continues to show through words where he has been, where he is and where he is headed.