by John C. Mouat



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 14/04/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 500
ISBN : 9781420828122
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 500
ISBN : 9781420828252

About the Book

The disastrous Yellowstone Park fires of 1988 consumed over 40% of the Park’s total area – over 400,000 acres out of a total of 2.2 million. Also, fires in adjoining National Forests incinerated hundreds of thousands of additional acres.

The author of “YELLOWSTONE BURNING” deplores as incredibly wrongheaded the “Let It Burn” policy of Park officials when lightning strikes ignited forests that were tinder-dry after three years of drouth.  He does support, however, a policy of “Controlled Burns” under favorable weather conditions to rid the forest floors of deadfall and brush debris that pose fire hazards in all National Parks and Forests. 

Read “YELLOWSTONE BURNING” for an eye-witness account of what happened.

About the Author

John C. Mouat was born in 1921 in a log cabin near Custer, Montana.  This is just a “stone’s throw” from the Battlefield on the Little Big Horn River where General George Armstrong Custer and many of his troopers were massacred in 1876.

In World War II, the author piloted Flying Fortress bombers from England to targets in Germany and was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for bravery and flying skill during this service.  He also flew combat in Korea from 1950-1953.

This is the author’s fifth book.  The first and second were also titled “TALES OF THE BEARTOOTH” and describe his adventures with wildlife, cowboys and dudes while operating a guest ranch in Montana’s rugged Beartooth Mountains near Yellowstone Park.  The third is about the Air War in Korea and the fourth traces his life from living on Montana’s “Last Frontier” to flying combat in two wars.