Macy Friends Volume I

Descendants of Thomas Macy 1583-

by J. Derald Morgan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/09/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 740
ISBN : 9781420871838
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 740
ISBN : 9781420871852

About the Book

This is a book about the descendants of Thomas Macy in the United States of America, extending from 1583 to date. One will find in this book the lineage of such individuals as R. H. Macy, the founder of Macy''s Department Stores; General George Nelson Macy. Provost Marshall of the Army of the Potomac; Ezra Cornell, the founder of Cornell University; Elizabeth Powell, the first Dean of Women of Swarthmore College and Josiah Macy, for whom the Josiah Macy Foundation honors. Included in this book are the ancestors of Benjamin Franklin. A few of the surnames included are Folger, Starbuck, Pinkham, Wolf, Barnard, Coffin, Worth, Swain, Gardner, Hussey, Jenkins, Walton, Pearson, Stanton, Mendenhall, Davis, Coleman, Chase and Flory.

Volume I contains the first 9 generations and a part of the 10th, Volume II contains the remainder of the 10th generation to generation 15, the endnotes of which there are over 20,000 and the index.

About the Author

Dr. J. Derald Morgan is an accomplished author, genealogist, family historian and expert witness. Dr. Morgan was a University Professor and Administrator for 46 years. He served as Vice President and Executive Director of the UAH Foundation at The University of Alabama in Huntsville, was Dean at New Mexico State University, and was Department Head and the ALCOA and Emerson Electric Chaired Professors at University of Missouri-Rolla now Missouri Science and Technology during his academic career. Dr. Morgan is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical Engineers and the National Academy of Forensic Engineers and Associate Editor of the Power Systems Research Journal. In addition to being a successful researcher, professor and university administrator, he is a forensic engineer with an active practice. Dr. Morgan has been an adult Boy Scout Leader for over 48 years, a leader in the United Methodist Church and a member of numerous professional and civic organizations. The father of four children and grandfather to 9 he has been an avid family historian for over 40 years. He believes that knowing your roots is essential to developing a perspective on who you are and what your role is in society. Knowing your roots gives a foundation for a successful and fulfilling life. As a member of the Sons of the American Revolution Dr. Morgan also believes that every American needs more knowledge about their family and its contribution to the development of this great nation. Out of this knowledge grows an appreciation for the freedoms we have and a commitment to sustaining a free society.