The College Student's Guide to Landing a Great Job
Book Details
About the Book
There is a Way to significantly increase your chances for landing a great job with a well known and respected employer. If that is your goal, this book can help you achieve that goal. The most successful students realize that they must compete for the best jobs. They also realize that there are steps that they must follow along the way, to put themselves in the best position for success. To be more successful, you should: - Figure out where you want to go (A clear direction) - Investigate what it will take to get there - Create a detailed, step-by-step plan of action - Participate in campus, work and community activities - Build a list of significant accomplishments - Demonstrate the most desirable, work related skills - Prepare for and conduct a comprehensive job search Every year, too many good students lose out to better prepared candidates and must settle for lesser jobs with less impressive employers. This regularly happens to students who: - Don’t understand the job hunting process - Fail to adequately prepare for the senior year job search - Are unaware of what is important to recruiters and employers - Don’t know how to compete effectively for the best jobs Students understand that their cumulative average is built semester by semester. And yet, most students and parents don’t recognize that the same thing is true of the job search plan. The accomplishments, successes, achievements and positive results that you will include on your resume will be accumulated as you move through your four-year college experience. Students who wait until their senior year to think about their resume and job search strategy are unlikely to land a great job. Smart student plan for success. They actively strive to put themselves in the best possible position to land a great job. Those who don’t will fall by the wayside. Since every student can improve their chances for a better job by following the week-by-week plan contained in this book, only one question remains. How badly do you want to succeed?
About the Author
Bob’s first book, The 4 Realities Of Success During and After College. received highly positive reviews in more than 90 college, local and regional newspapers. This book can be obtained through the same four methods listed above. For more information, visit This web site contains a wide variety articles and information that is critical to college and career success. Students and parents alike will find that their visit to this site will be both interesting and worthwhile. Bob has been interviewed by and quoted in many local, regional and national newspapers, including The Wall Street Journal. He has also been interviewed on more than 40 radio shows across the country. Respected for his expertise and dedication to providing critical information and services, Bob currently provides information and assistance to Career Services Professionals at well over 100 colleges throughout the Bob Roth, The “College & Career Success” Coach can be reached by e-mail: