Good Times and Bad

A humor filled chronicle of one curmudgeon's quest for happiness.

by Gordon Grindstaff



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/10/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 348
ISBN : 9781438906041

About the Book

Good Times and Bad contains an eclectic collection of stories, most of which first saw the light of day as newspaper columns. The subject matter ranges from a nostalgic look at growing up in the Truman/Eisenhower era to the trials and tribulations of forty plus years of marriage as well as the travels of the Author, his wife, Susie and their RV, ‘Fionna’.  

            A word of warning. If you’re looking for a car chase or a steamy bedroom scene, then just move on down the road because they're not in these pages. However, if you like browsing antique shops or yard sales looking for the unusual, then you’ll like this book. 

            Like Travels with Susie, the book is part travelogue, part monologue, part History book, a tiny bit of birdwatcher’s guide and all entertainment.  It has a story to suit almost everyone.

            When you open the pages of Good Times and Bad, be prepared to ride your bike by the cemetery after dark, experience the thrill of the Miracle Power Booster  and watch as John Roger Goodbody feeds quarters to the Rubber machine. And that's only Part One.

            There are also stories of travel in Florida, Texas, the Northwest, the southwest and Mexico in a continuation of the Travels with Susie chronicles. By the time you reach the last page, you will have tried to catch bees with the vacuum sweeper, gagged down a little split pea soup and  found out what happens when you handle hot peppers and body parts in the same motion.        

            And finally, if you look close, you will discover that when the author is not busy reporting on the human condition, he is unwittingly realizing what life is all about as he learns more about our world than he ever expected or wanted to know.

About the Author

       Gordon Grindstaff was raised in a small town in Southern Indiana during the middle of the twentieth century. He is a retired Information Technology Consultant who worked around the movers and shakers of the corporate world for thirty five years. This occupation provided ample opportunities to observe the silliness that sometimes passes as big business while also allowing him to hone his sense of humor along the way.

       The experience of raising 4 children in the countryside of central Indiana stretched Gordon’s sense of humor  to the breaking point but ultimately it provided more fodder for his wit.

        Gordon and Susie have been married forty four years. After retirement, they sold everything they owned and set out in their RV to see the sights of our Country, Canada and Mexico.  Seven years, several countries and 46 states later, they’re still at it. 

         Their travels led to a journal which quickly became a regular monthly piece for Senior Life Magazine of Southwest Florida. Gordon also writes a self syndicated Newspaper column published weekly in four newspapers in two countries. His award winning prose is sometimes hilarious, sometimes sentimental, once in a while nostalgic and always entertaining.    

         His writings, in addition to producing the book, 'Travels with Susie', have also twice received recognition by the Community Newspapers of Florida Association.                

         Gordon and Susie are still volunteering in state and National Parks around the country and have firm commitments through 2009. 

            After that, who knows? Even though they’re kicking and screaming the whole way, nonetheless old age is slowly creeping up on the two of them. Add to that, fuel prices and the general malaise currently seen in the economy. The combination of these things almost certainly will dictate a second look at their lifestyle.