Close Far Away

by Pádraig Standún



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/05/2013

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 190
ISBN : 9781477233665
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 190
ISBN : 9781477233672

About the Book

Adrienne is an Irish artist who has come to live in Venice after the breakup of her marriage. She meetsGiorgio, a water-taxi driver who happens to be a former Irish Republican sniper. His death was faked during the "Troubles" to take the heat off him and he was given a new identity. He is now an embarrassment to former colleagues in government in Northern Ireland, as well as being a target for a drugs gang whose leader he had 'taken out' in his sniping days.

About the Author

Pádraig Standún has twelve novels published in the Irish language (Gaelic) six in English, two in Bulgarian, and others in German, Polish and Romanian. "Godfool" was published by AuthorHouse in 2011. He lives and works in the west of Ireland.