Weave Tapestries Of Naught At All

by William Flewelling



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/01/2020

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 168
ISBN : 9781728345611

About the Book

My poems help me see what is in front of me. They typically find that an image is presented, an image that seems to suggest a line of verse, just one which, when written down, enters into a cadence, a rhythm, a sense of sound and echo that evolves into a sequence of lines that flow. They flow until they stop, that is, and announce to me that the poem is, in fact, done. This book draws upon poems written some years ago, mostly in the years 2009 and 2015. There are also a few current poems that insist their way into the collection as they are accumulated in the current year's file. As I revisit the poems of years ago, quite often the occasion presents itself to memory - but not always. Sometimes that occasion is as if unnecessary and, indeed, almost in the way of the poem as it has come to be. Revisiting is always a pleasure; it becomes one of the spurs toward forming the collection itself. Indeed, it is the pleasure and the satisfaction in the book that brings it about. Satisfaction is such a boon to life.

About the Author

I am a retired minister from the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) living in the hills of the Northern Panhandle of West Virginia. During the course of my ministry, noting that some of my work came with a special sort of cadence, I began writing poetry on purpose; that was in the early 1989ss. The process and product of writing poetry has been useful and satisfying to me over the years. In April 2004, I began a few years of fruitful attendance on the poetry workshop DesertMoonReview.com. I learned a great deal about poetry in that attendance - its reading as well as the writing. I have frequently shared poems with the particular "muses" who occasioned the poems. I now live in retirement with my wife of fifty-one years, two dogs and several cats.