Brace Method for Tennis

by David W. Olson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/5/2004

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 18
ISBN : 9781418454937

About the Book

Here is a unique tennis manual describing a revolutionary new technique for improving the Backhand stroke, combining the advantages of both the one handed and the two handed styles.

This simple method has also helped many players to prevent or eliminate Tennis elbow. Included are easy to follow step-by-step photographs along with detailed instructions for quick results.

A free video demonstration can be viewed at

I'm working on an expanded version of this manual, available in printed form. It will include groundstrokes and volleys for both backhand and forehand. 

I welcome questions or comments. If you've purchased my manual, contact me for a free lesson. If you can travel to Saint Paul, Minn., I'm willing and eager to help you incorporate this method into your game...anything to generate positive testimonial. Email me at: 


About the Author

David Olson, who recently retired from the 3M company, has been teaching tennis in Saint Paul for 28 years. He is the son of Bucky Olson, who was well known in Minnesota, and who taught tennis at several clubs throughout the Twin Cities. Dave's other writing interests include poetry and mysteries, which includes his recently completed work called, Burden.