
by David W. Olson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/10/2007

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 380
ISBN : 9781434317735
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 380
ISBN : 9781434317742

About the Book

The year is 1984. Things are looking up for 30 year old David Boyer, an aspiring world class athlete. He is on the cusp of achieving his lifelong dream of becoming one of the best tennis players in the world, when his life is turned upside down by a serious accident. With his body damaged and his spirit crushed, he is forced to accept menial work with a large energy corporation where his father already works. Bucky Boyer is a brilliant scientist who has invented a revolutionary electrical device, years ahead of its time, that threatens to bankrupt the very company that now employs them. Meanwhile, dozens of retired employees have been dying in tragic accidents. Joe Miller, David’s friend, coworker, and frustrated amateur detective, senses the suspicious nature of it all. David is reluctantly dragged into the conspiracy. With the help of another old friend from childhood and his amazing pet, the mystery is finally unraveled. David confronts his ultimate fear and, in so doing, gains a powerful life lesson and a deeper appreciation for this new life that has replaced the one he lost. This novel has everything: danger, suspense, tragedy, fishing, intrigue, funny stories, sad stories, science, complicated characters, romance, courageous animals, timeless words of wisdom, and humor. Two thumbs up(the author's). 

About the Author

Hello, my name is David W. Olson. I'm writing this myself because I couldn't trust anybody else to make it flattering enough. I was born and raised in Saint Paul, Minn. I entered high school a pacifist and was forced to take ROTC military training. That explains a lot. In 1980, I left a job I loved(teaching tennis) for financial security with a major manufacturing company in Minnesota(Duh!), where I worked for 26 years, 11 months, 8 days, 4 hours, and 30 minutes. But who's counting? If my profile sounds similar to the main character, believe me, the novel contains a plot that is way more exciting than my actual life has been! The real, boring me, loves writing short stories, poems and novels, playing tennis, reading, listening to jazz and classical music, being with friends, and dreaming of becoming a comedian or a rock star. Did I mention tennis? Now that I'm semi-retired, I plan to devote myself full time to those and other pursuits, with the obvious exception of rock star, unless the Rolling Stones need a new drummer. I live in Saint Paul with my wife, Anita. We've been married 28 years, I think. We have no children. My wife would appreciate it if you would buy this book so I can make ends meet as a writer and not have to buy a set of drums. And you'll be helping society by saving me from a life of crime. I promise the book will make you laugh, then cry. If it makes you laugh and not cry, or cry and not laugh, that's okay. If it doesn't make you laugh or cry, I'm sorry...but I'm sure you'll love my next novel.

Feedback: nedave1@msn.com  

Next novel is Kirlian Flare...stay tuned, all four of you fans of mine.