Within ten minutes he neared the end of the portage trail. The distinct gurgle of the Wolf River could be heard faintly. He slowed his pace and peered down the trail towards the source of the smoke. Cresting a small ridge that crossed the portage trail, Hap spotted the campfire. He was now only a little over a thirty meters from the camp site, but drooping limbs from the trees that lined the path did not allow him a clear view of the area around the fire. Heavy black smoke was billowing skyward and very little flame was evident. Then there was movement, as someone walked to the fire and piled more wood on it. After giving the smoldering fire a couple of kicks with his foot, the stranger sat down on the ground and began talking to someone who was out of Hap‘s line of vision. Now Hap knew at least two persons were present, and although the conversation was muffled, both voices sounded angry. Hap’s caution signal changed to danger!
Ducking into the trees that lined the path, Hap began a slow, stealthy approach towards the camp site. Moving within less than ten meters from the unsuspecting strangers, Hap was finally able to make out their conversation. It wasn’t like him to be sneaking around listening to people’s private dialogs, but his sixth sense kept telling him that something was very wrong, and he hesitated to make his presence known just yet.
Peering through the thick branches of the tree that concealed him from view, Hap was able to make out the features of two men who were having a very loud and angry argument. Both were dressed in what looked like fairly new jackets and hats. Other than that, Hap was not able to distinguish any facial features that might give him a clue as to whom these persons were. A small tent was situated a short distance from the smoldering fire. A rifle or shotgun was also visible, leaning against a tree a several meters from the fire. Hap’s little inner voice told him to stay hidden and listen to the angry conversation a bit longer before deciding his next move.
"Shoulda killed him right off, like I wanted, but no, you wouldn’t let me!", snarled one of the men.
"Look a here, we’re already in deep trouble. Killing somebody ain’t gonna help us none if we get caught!" , snapped the second man in response.
We ain’t gonna get caught! We’ve already agreed we’re gonna hide out up here in the bush till fall and by then the law will have given up on us. We’ll just filter back to some big town and nobody’ll be the wiser!", responded the first speaker.
Then a third voice interrupted the violent conversation. "You both better think long and hard about killing a Mountie, because if you do, the entire force will not sleep until they catch you both. You’re already in deep enough trouble for breaking out of prison."
Hap was jolted by the voice of the third, yet unseen, individual. There was no mistaking who had uttered those words of warning to the two quarreling strangers. It was the voice of Sergeant Bill Osborne!
Hap blinked his eyes and swallowed hard in disbelief. The shorter of the two strangers then got to his feet and walked a short distant from the fire. Hap changed his position slightly and was finally able to see Bill Osborne. He was seated at the base of a tree with his arms tied behind his back. Another rope had been placed around his neck and then around the tree. Sergeant Osborne was a captive of two violent men!
As the stranger reached Bill’s side he spoke to the helpless man, his voice swelled in anger as he roared, "Shut your stinkin’ mouth, you damn Mountie, of I’ll blow your brains out right here and now!" And he gave his defenseless captive a sharp kick in the ribs.
As the cowardly captor turned towards Hap to return to the fire, Hap saw he had a pistol in his hand. Then a flicker of flame illuminated the stranger’s face. An evil smile had spread across his face and lips which outlined a nearly toothless mouth. In an instant Hap recognized the face! It was the man whom he had thought was hurt on the trail when he was returning to Nitchiquon from the Johnson’s home! It was one of the men who had bashed his head with a club and robbed him of seven hundred dollars!
Hap was instantly gripped with nearly uncontrollable anger. His hand quickly withdrew the .44 revolver from his holster and he began to consider what his next move should be. But then Sadie, who had been sitting quietly behind Hap, quickly put an entirely new chain of events into motion!