The ESP Theory

by W. W. Walton



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/6/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 224
ISBN : 9781410701343

About the Book

While The ESP Theory takes a light-hearted look at what happens to us after death, it also offers yet another premise that you may find intriguing about the hereafter. Fletcher Blair is shocked by the sudden death of his wife and more alarmed still when Ivy seems to come back, as she had promised, to tell him about life after death. Fletcher searches for answers to this phenomenon without any satisfactory results when his quest is interrupted by his accidental death. But Fletcher’s story is only beginning. Seemingly alone, he tries to find Ivy but cannot. He can communicate with some of his past earthly friends but Fletcher needs help a guide through the void. His afterlife guide turns out to be Thomas Three Toes, who is more than just his neighbour’s cat. Thomas does not have all the answers, but between them they come up with a theory – The ESP Theory: The mind, or soul, consists of extremely small particles that accumulate and are held together by the electrical functions of the brain . . .

About the Author

Bill Walton is a recently retired Manager of Information Systems who can now dedicate more time to his writing. Bill also spends as much time as he can enjoying the outdoors of Northern Ontario, whether on the lakes practising ‘catch and release’ fishing, chasing a golf ball or on his motorcycle. Previous publications include two books of short stories, The 5:15 Gang and Pickerel River Tales; and novels, Charlie Shapwaykeesic, The Snow Scorpion, The Dali Connection and The Morcos Connection. Bill, with his father, has also published The Steamer Kawigamog, the history of an inland water steamboat owned and operated by his grandfather, William Ambrose Walton.