The Klimt Connection

A Frank Pilger novel

by W. W. Walton



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/8/2006

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 228
ISBN : 9781425972479

About the Book


Forensic accountant, Frank Pilger, investigates a computer fraud by following a paper trail that leads to a gold mine in Kirkland Lake and the mysterious Daddy Vic.

            Sandi Barber is about to inherit an old family painting and someone is willing to kill for the painting – a genuine Klimt.

            Gold, a Klimt and a lawyer for the Hells Angels finally lead Frank to Vienna where he makes the Klimt Connection.


About the Author

Bill Walton is a North Bay, Ontario writer who is retired from a career in accounting and information systems. He is married to Dr Diana Walton, retired associate professor of Classical Studies at Nipissing University. Bill and Diana have one son, Marcus who with wife Gina, are parents of grandson, Coltin.


Bill enjoys the outdoors by golfing, gardening and riding his motorcycle. Bill and Diana both participate in Taoist Tai Chi, bicycling, dancing, reading and travelling.


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