The Willow Tree

by Lo'Rhena



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/2/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 472
ISBN : 9781410741967
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 472
ISBN : 9781410741974
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 472
ISBN : 9781410741950

About the Book

The Willow Tree is about a young girl, raised by Christian parents, whose name is Bette Jean, but is called BJ. She lives in a fictitious town called Bluesvilles, Tennessee. The story is narrated by her at a very low point in her life. She goes to college in New York, obtains a well paying job, marries well and life is very good. The past, however, comes back with a vengeance, possibly changing her life forever. She learns many lessons but the most important one is, no matter how high you go up in society, or how low to the bottom you go, there is a Sovereign Lord who is a sure anchor, any time or any place. Your parents can’t promise to be there for eternity. Your friends may not be with you when you‘re crying in the midnight hour. Associates may turn against you at a moments notice, but Our Sovereign Lord is always there. 

About the Author

In the years 2000 and 2001, I was nominated as Poet of the year, by the International Poet Society, in Maine. Through the society, I have poems in their anthology book called, Quick Silver Moon.

In the same years, I had the honor of being nominated as poet of the year by the Famous Poets Society, in Oregon.

My goals are many but I would like to see one of my fictional novels become a movie. I also am interested in writing screenplays.

I am in the process of writing a childrens book.

I am in the process of recording a CD with the poem, My Mother Prayed for Me. This will be out in time for Mother's Day, 2003. A copy can be purchased through KMA Records256 E. Old Hickory Blvd. Madison, Tn. 37115 phone number 615-612-3899

I enjoy encouraging children and adults to follow their dreams. We as adults are bombarded with the rushes of life. Our dreams are placed on a dark shelf in the corners of our mind. Those dreams appear to be dark clouds, unreachable. Never give up. You may tire out but never give up.