Ocean Falls

by Wayne W. Causey



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/14/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 292
ISBN : 9781414048703

About the Book

Ocean Falls is a remote, unpopulated area in Canada that is devastated by an earthquake that disrupts the foodchain. A huge, mammal predator, long thought extinct, is spotted floating in a tidepool by a search and rescue crew and an expedition is sent to locate other animals. The group meets with tragedy and a doctor of zoology is called in to aid the investigation. The creatures begin an ancient migration to the state of Washington and their progress is tracked by the doctor through sightings and losses of livestock. The bizarre deaths of two teenagers in a small town alert him of the creatures’ presence, and he voices his concern to the deputy of the town. The deputy becomes convinced the animals are in the area and after more deaths he enlists the aid of the state police and National Guard. The elusive mannerisms of the animals result in failed attempts by the agencies and only succeed in driving the creatures into the town. With whiskey courage the men of the town engage an unknown terror. Amid hails of gunfire, slashing fangs,  and crushing jaws man once again battles for dominance.

About the Author

Wayne Causey has long been a fan of horror and creature terror making him keenly aware of what frightens us. Over the years he has honed his craft as a writer with three completed novels and a forth in progress. Ocean Falls will be the first of a trilogy of horror and suspense novels to be published in the coming months. In this fast paced story Causey draws heavily on his own interest in paleontology, forensics, and zoology to make the story believable for the mature reader who is weary of traditional novels. Conversations with helicopter pilots, a Coast Guard officer, policemen, and medical personnel, as well as his own experiences in the military, give more credibility to his writing.