Jersey Devil

by Wayne W. Causey



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/21/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 368
ISBN : 9781418431815

About the Book

A demonic terror that has laid dormant for 250 years is unwittingly released in central New Jersey, a place of dense forests and rolling hills. Recurring nightmares begin to plague a rising executive, Regan Westwood, and in his vivid and disturbing dreams he sees terrifying visions through the eyes of a winged creature fulfilling an ancient vendetta. In time, he becomes aware that the dreams are actual events when he witnesses the hideous death of a company rival spurred by his own hostile thoughts. Regan realizes the power of the beast has been passed on to him, and the police make a shaky connection between Regan and the killings, but are hard pressed to substantiate their suspicions.

As Regan’s life begins to deteriorate he makes a last ditch efforts to rid himself of the newfound terror, but with a deteriorating marriage and pressure from his company and the police he cedes to the power. As he strengthens his alliance with the beast they spiral into an abyss of horror and murderous mayhem.

About the Author

After his first novel, Ocean Falls, Causey’s fast paced writing and imagination now takes us on a journey of creature terror and demonic possession. Working on farms in New Jersey as a teenager Causey, a native Texan, first heard the lore of The Jersey Devil. On a moonless night he took a shortcut through the woods to his father’s home and emerged a mile later a true believer in the legend, adamant that something had followed him through the forest. In this tale he vividly incorporates that terrifying night. Relying on his own interests in forensics, anthropology and research of Celtic lore, Causey spins a new and credible story; one that will satisfy the mature horror fan yearning for more than witches and vampires with a new creature of terror.