ABSURDITY, SUPPOSED: of Catholic doctrine’s concept of God: 362-371; of its concept of hell: 368-370; of its concept of the Atonement: 367-368.
ACTIVISM, SOCIAL: avoid it, if you can’t keep your hands off the booze or the altar boys: 226-227.
ACTS, BOOK OF: 15:36-39 = 411.
ADAM & EVE: 61, 62, 63, 77, 196, 386, 435, 436, 437, 517, 573; very first sin of: 696-698.
ADDENDA: Matrix: 85; St. Thomas Aquinas on self-love: 95; triangle vs. triangular shape: 454-455; nil volitum nisi praecognitum: 524.
ADDICTIONS: also see Affection; also Code, Anti-Addiction; also Children; also Strength; = compulsive desire: 325; accidental absence of sinful ones may be the only reason why a saint is 100% faithful to AMC: 445; defensive mechanism of soul’s substratum: 679-680, 745-746, 762 ftn.; denying children parental affection may produce such 624-625; double barreled: 330 ftn.; freedom from mine proves veracity of Anti-Addiction Code: 765-766; healthy vs. unhealthy: 445; how they make faith difficult: 328; incurred in infancy: 329; incurred unconsciously: 329 ftn.; intensity of, comes from soul adding its spiritual attraction to the body’s physical attraction: 806; litmus test for faith: 319; my earlier physical explanation of: 444-445; my later spiritual explanation of: 679-681; to perfections or critical tools: 325-331; when the compulsiveness arises: 328.
ADDICTIONS TO SIN: Catholic doctrine on best way to remedy: 746; due to “bugs” in brain’s “software”: 328-329; freedom from mine proves Anti-Addiction Code: 765-766; seek to scourge us into becoming aware of our irrational pride: 745-746, 762 ftn.; sure sign of irrational pride: 570.
ADONIS: 761.
ADULATION: & sex: 202; defined: 201; emotional need for: 195, 201-202; in the damned: 201-202.
ADVANCEMENT: see Progress.
AFFECTION: also see Strength; also Children; also Addictions; 33 declarations of by Dennis: 610-617; 2nd fiddle: 281-282; Dennis’ blow up over my reaching for it: 617; Dennis’ earlier effect on my need for it: 620-621, 632; denying parental affection to children may produce addictions: 624; from Dennis as protection against my homosexuality: 632-633; humans need it: 607; if unable to give it, live in a cave & sire no kids: 607; I’m a fool for it: 302, 345; lack of it is a major cause of anti-social behavior: 607; lately, for 3.5 months I no longer need it: 678; moments of, with Dennis: 632; my search for a sexless kind: 632; not it, but oneness of mind & heart is what my writings seek: 682; one pledge of from Dennis: 523; sleep cuddled together: 277, 282, 284, 510, 511; some say parental affection weakens children: 623; wanting it may be part of the problem: 297.
AFFIRMATION: children of, vs. children of denial: 664.
AGENDAS, NATURAL: implanted in gut by nature: 64.
AGENDAS, NURTURED: “Soul Mate” & “Divine Beast” implanted in gut by nurture: 64-68; traumatic vs. casual: 64-65.
AGNOSTICS: allies of mass murder: 353 ftn.; & supreme summit of stupidity: 476, 701 ftn.; contrary to what they believe, death’s all-revealing light shall bring all of us the opposite of vindication: 189; defined: 353 ftn.; on evidences: 356 ftn.; phony god of: 228-230, 232; post-mortem goals of: 187; their “call no judgement true unless the evidences justify it” is a motivational proposition based solely on prejudice: 594-596; why they must deny divine Revelation: 352, 354.
AIDS: 762.
AIR FORCE, U.S.: enlistment in: Dec. 7, 1955: 830; teacher of marksmanship in: 548.
ALCOHOLISM: 148-149, 446; 2 kinds of alcoholics: 4; Alphie & Bogey: 30; on weekends only: 755; stupid rationalizing which often accompanies it: 513-514.
ALEXANDER THE GREAT: 150, 139, 793.