Locked and Loaded

by Rodney S. Owens



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/13/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781420852806
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781463482466

About the Book

         From the first page, Locked and Loaded opens fire and refuses to let up.  Fully loaded with harder and sharper pieces than the author’s first book, Lost and Found. With stripped-down views of society, attacks on personal demons, and an arsenal of “strength bullets,” each piece is intended to be ammunition, to lend a helping hand when the road of life gets rough, trying, and unstable. A mixture of random shots at the shackles that try to keep individualism weighted down and silenced.  Written words to be used against depression, low self-esteem, shaken confidence, and the dark shadows of society.  Many have already read and used the uplifting and straightforward power of the words printed on the pages within.  Spent casings from the author’s past and present are peppered throughout this book.  Hopefully you can find something in here to get you through whatever you’re facing, to help keep your head up and stay strong.

             “Lock and load, use and aim wisely.”


About the Author

      Rodney S. Owens has returned with another offering of his writings.  Among his fellow readers and writers, he has been called “the shotgun messiah, writer of the strength bullet”.  After being under many dark clouds and down a lot of rough and rocky roads, he writes about the strength he found and used to get him through.

            He has always been willing to give help where he can because he knows how powerful and supportive words can be.  Rodney has received many positive comments on his “strength bullets” and has gathered them together for you here.

      He likes to keep his “bullets” short, simple, and to the point, believing it gives the piece more power and impact.  He relies heavily on the “take what you can use and leave the rest” concept.  If he can help give someone strength, hope, or courage to drive on through life, then the “shotgun messiah” has accomplished his mission.