Good Hearted Man

by William Allen Strunk



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/16/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9781420855975

About the Book

I can remember Dad holding me on his lap as we sat on the boulder and looked out over the valley.  “God’s outdone Himself this time, Andy.  Look at that valley.  Did you ever see anything more beautiful than that?  I come up here when I feel like life’s given me a mountain to climb.  I remind myself that on top of that mountain will be a view so beautiful that the climb will be more than worth it.  You’re going to have to climb some mountains in your life’s journey, Andy.  Trust in the Lord, and know that He has something wonderful waiting for you after you climb those mountains.”

Dad was a kind, gentle, good-hearted man.  He didn’t talk much, but when he did, his wisdom lovingly settled down upon me like a gentle snow on a wintry evening.  It covered my heart, my soul, and my memories.  He was the wisest man I had ever met, and I learned more about life from him than from all my other experiences combined.

My mind wandered back to a time when this gray, frail, elderly man was young and strong.  He was full of life, and his laughter filled our house.  I remembered how he effortlessly picked me up and lovingly held me in his arms.  It was the time our relationship was the closest it would ever be.  He was my Dad, and he could do no wrong; I worshipped him.  He was my hero.

About the Author

The Knoxville News-Sentinel says, “William Allen Strunk has a talent and passion for telling his stories.  As he was putting down roots in the soil of Appalachia, he was developing the foundation for what can only be described as a calling.  Perhaps it is coincidence that Strunk, who shares his name with another noted teacher and writer, would find his niche as a novelist, telling stories drawn from his rich history.  Then again, maybe it really is, quite literally, the career of a lifetime.”

William Allen Strunk is a retired schoolteacher.  He holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Tennessee and a Master of Arts degree from Union College.  He is a former Maryville City Schools “Teacher of the Year” and was honored by the University of Tennessee as an “Outstanding Public School Teacher.”

Other novels by Strunk are Real and Forever Home and The Gardener’s Grandson.  He has two sons and lives in Maryville, Tennessee, with his wife of thirty years, Kathy.