A New Beginning

A Jenny Dewberry Series

by J.J. Olsen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/11/2005

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 288
ISBN : 9781463498306
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 288
ISBN : 9781420867404

About the Book

This story has comedy, adventure and action. “A New Beginning” is the start of a series of stories about Jenny Dewberry, just an ordinary, thirteen year old girl, who had an ordinary life, until her grandmother, Alinore Grayson passes away. Alinore leaves Jenny an old wooden trunk, which is hidden in a magical attic. The trunk is full of surprises and secrets of the past.

            Jenny Dewberry loves adventure and her grandmother. But when she finds out that her grandmother and Agnes, Allison and Agatha, Alinore’s three sisters, were witches, who had powers beyond imagination; she wondered what she was getting herself into.

The four sisters had a spell cast upon them which stripped them of their powers, forcing them to live out their lives as mortals. Jenny has to break the spell in order to bring white magic back. For her to do this, she must find and collect four magical and important gifts. Once the spell is broken, through Alinore, the oldest of the four sisters, the powers are passed on to Jenny and she is rightfully the sole heir to this wonderful ancestry that has been in the family for centuries. This wakes up a whole new world of people and unlocks the doors to some unwanted and evil ones. Jenny reclaims her grandmother’s magic and becomes one of the most powerful witches known. She is able to continue the lineage of witches and will have wonderful, wild adventures come her way.

Join in on Jenny’s magical adventures of this warm loving story and live the life you have always dreamed of, with her. She will captivate your heart and bring adventure into your life.

            The saga continues in book II, “A New World, A Jenny Dewberry Series” coming soon. Jenny has to bring her grandmother’s world back to life, after fifty years of being asleep, caused from the spell that had been cast upon the four sisters and fight a conniving, evil witch.

About the Author

            Joyce Olsen grew up on a farm in western Canada. Being mostly alone as a child, she used to play make-believe games outside, behind her parents home, over looking a forest of trees that seemed enchanted. There was a delightful, bubbly stream behind the house, flowing through the trees, which she had to cross to enter into her dreamland of fun. Her mother and older sister always told her, she had an over active imagination. She took that imagination and instilled it into her life of writing stories and poems and in raising her three children. Her passion for reading and writing has been with her all her life and her imagination has inspired her to carry out a long life dream of writing. Her ups and downs through her life, that she has experienced, has been a rollercoaster ride and has given her an outlook on life, which is, life is to short, take it to the fullest and make the best of it. Do what you love to do the most and go for it. If you have dreams, don’t hold back, make them come true.

            She now lives alone with her husband in a small city in southern Alberta, where they own and operate a small company. Her three wonderful children, now grown, are her inspiration, her sunshine. They are her life. The books of “The Jenny Dewberry Series” will be the writings of Joyce’s imagination and her passion and will be dedicated to her children.

            “A New Beginning” is her first published book, a youth’s book full of intrigue, fantasy and total imagination. This thirteen year old girl, along with her younger brother and friends, go on adventures that Joyce has always dreamed of and imagined as a child.