Double Truffle

A Terri Springe Culinary Mystery (with recipes)

by S. Kay Weber



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/28/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 240
ISBN : 9781434324771
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 240
ISBN : 9781434324788

About the Book

Terri Springe and her wonderful, talented, young business partner, Brianna Severson, have expanded Terri’s Table and are more busy happily cooking, then ever before. They have their own shop, just down the block from their cozy apartment, Angie Perry, Terri’s best friend and a City of Boston police officer, helps out and is always around to add to the fun. Everything seems to be moving along beautifully.

At the moment though, Terri has an unusual problem on her hands. It is Super Bowl time. The girls are getting food ready for clients and are already pushed to the limit to get everything done on time. So, when the extremely annoying, demanding, very wealthy, Logan Adams-Buckley calls and places an outrageous order for truffles, lots of truffles, (the very expensive, from France, kind of truffles), along with other extravagant items, Terri and Brianna are beside themselves with confusion and frustration at Logan’s selfishness and rude attitude. Logan then immediately sends a large check to pay for the order, which Terri promptly takes to the bank. The very next morning however, Logan is dead, allegedly shot by an intruder, at the mansion she shares with her husband Alex and his two young children, Jenni and Benjamin. This leaves Terri and Brianna stuck with truffles, caviar, pate, and other expensive gourmet foods that they find out later, Logan had never intended to use in the first place. When the F.B.I. shows up at Terri’s door, they call Brianna’s brilliant lawyer, Nick Guerrero, who coincidentaly, is also Alex Buckley’s lawyer. After Alex is arrested for Logan’s murder, the two young children are turned over to Terri and Brianna’s care.

With trying to get ready for the Super Bowl, taking care of the children and nursing a terrible cold, and trying to figure out what her ‘sort of’ boyfriend, Captain Rico Mathews is up to, Terri is at her wits end. So, when Alex summons her to the prison, where he is currently being housed and asks her to help him solve the crime, she is up to her ears in double trouble, along with double truffles.

Add to all of this, lots of fabulous food and recipes, a few interesting twists and turns, and lots of laughs, and you have double the fun and double the intrigue. Then, of course, Terri solves the crime, all by herself and totally by accident. Again!

About the Author

The author is a librarian and lives on a beautiful farm in Wisconsin, with her husband and children. She is currently working on her next Terri Springe culinary mystery, OVER-EASY!