The Dawn of Magick

The First Story of Donothor

by Benjamin Towe



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/27/2008

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : E-Book
Page Count : 652
ISBN : 9781434376954
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 652
ISBN : 9781434376947
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 652
ISBN : 9781434376930

About the Book

The Dawn of Magick is the first story of Donothor. The tragic fantasy chronicles the lives and deeds of many ilks of the world Sagain. Threads of fate and Magick intertwine the doomed world of sorcery with three other worlds. When the story begins, Sagain is a pastoral mundane world dominated by preternatural beings called Old Ones. Nature's most powerful forces foment a cataclysm and kindle the flicker of Magick. The flicker grows into a blaze and creates great artifacts. The power of Magick descends along family lines. As sorcerers live longer and grow more powerful, greed and competition lead to conflict. Orders of Light and Dark Sorcery choose leaders and allies, create citadels and seven fantastic wonders, and rip Sagain and its people through their ageless conflict. Spells cast by avaricious sorcerers bring forces of evil to Sagain. This begins a conflict that stretches across space and time. Powerful spells enable the imprisonment of consummate evil and facilitate the escape of a fortunate few from the doomed world.

What is the source of Magick?

What are the powers of the thirteen and two staves?

What roles have the mysterious Old Ones, the old wanderer Confusious, Iyaca Vassi, and the Orders of Light and Dark Sorcery in the story?

Does only evil lurk behind the dark walls of Koorlost, the citadel of Dark Sorcery?

Does only good reside within the alabaster walls of the Laurels and its Tower of Radiance, the citadel of Light Sorcery?

Are dragons, the great wyrms of the skies, good or evil?

What threads connect four worlds? Ripples that began long ago in a doomed world create great waves in Donothor, Parallan, and...a blue world.

The story continues in Deathquest to Parallan, the Orb of Chalar, the Death of Magick, and the Chalice of Mystery.

About the Author

Ben Towe grew up in Carroll County, Virginia. He graduated from Mt. Airy (NC) High School in 1968, Davidson College in 1972, and the University of Virginia School of Medicine in 1976. He served five years in the United States Army Medical Corps and has practiced Family Medicine in the Augusta Georgia area since 1981. Ben has been married to Libby Dawson since 1973.

The Dawn of Magick is dedicated to everyone with an imagination.