The Mystic Kingdom

A Jenny Dewberry Series

by J.J. Olsen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/9/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 400
ISBN : 9781438925981

About the Book

The magical saga continues when Jenny, Donny and their friends venture into another magical kingdom to rescue the Farians who have been captured by Madiva. The King and Queen Farian wait patiently for the thirteen year old girl, who had broken the spell, to come to their aide. But as Jenny’s group ventures out on this journey, they are faced with many difficult obstacles. Some will make it almost impossible for them to rescue the terrified, mystical creatures of this enchanted land. Fairies, gnomes, unicorns, dragons, mermaids are just a few of the magical beings that live in the along with the Farians. Jenny and the others see the once beautiful land in devastation. And again, they will have to fight the evil that has been dwelling in this captivated kingdom, holding all these magical creatures’ prisoners. The hopes and dreams of everyone back in Terrain and all the other worlds, will be lost forever if Jenny and her group do not succeed in completing their mission. The magic from this kingdom is what keeps hopes and dreams alive for everyone. Jenny carries a terrifying feeling with her throughout the whole journey. A horrible event happens in Terrain while the kids are in the mystical kingdom and Jenny feels the disaster, but has no idea what it is, except that it somehow involves her family. In order to help the ones she loves, she has to rescue the kingdom and set things right, undo all the damage Madiva has caused. So Jenny ignores her frightening feelings, and continues with their mission, fighting off the evil warlocks and anything else that gets in their way.Go with Jenny Dewberry, her brother, Donny and their friends Kathy, Gerry, Davyn and Jason into the and explore The Enchanted Forest for Farianswho have run away from Madiva. They need to find them before the evil warlocks do. For if Madiva’s men catch the runaways first, they will torture and banish the helpless Farians forever,&we can not let that happen.

About the Author

Joyce Olsen grew up on a farm in western Canada. Being mostly alone as a child, she used to play make-believe games outside, behind her parents home, over looking a forest of trees that seemed enchanted. There was a delightful, bubbly stream behind the house, flowing through the trees, which she had to cross to enter into her dreamland of fun. Her mother and older sister always told her, she had an over active imagination. She took that imagination and instilled it into her life of writing stories and poems and in raising her three children. Her passion for reading and writing has been with her all her life and her imagination has inspired her to carry out a long life dream of writing. Her ups and downs through her life, that she has experienced, has been a rollercoaster ride and has given her an outlook on life, which is, life is to short, take it to the fullest and make the best of it. Do what you love to do the most and go for it. If you have dreams, don’t hold back, make them come true.

            She now lives alone with her husband in a small city in southern Alberta, where they own and operate a small company. Her three wonderful children, now grown, are her inspiration, her sunshine. They are her life. The books of “The Jenny Dewberry Series” will be the writings of Joyce’s imagination and her passion and will be dedicated to her children.

            “A New Beginning” is her first published book, a youth’s book full of intrigue, fantasy and total imagination. This thirteen year old girl, along with her younger brother and friends, go on adventures that Joyce has always dreamed of and imagined as a child