A Diary of Time

A Book of Poetry

by Justinah McFadden



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/1/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9781449034238

About the Book

A Diary of Time is a poetic story about life. This book of poetry is not about focusing on the past or doing it all over again, but it is rather about learning, growing and gaining wisdom as well as forgiveness. A Diary of Time is joyous and has a wonderful message which is painted in an artistic bliss.

About the Author

Justinah McFadden is an author of four works and has received praise for her artistic endowment. She has been nominated poet of the year for nearly a decade and was recently inducted into the national society of poetry as an ambassador of poetry. She continues to make this world a better place through her serene poetry which compliments humanity. The literature she touches turns into gold and showers the world with understanding and grace. Look forward for her upcoming works of literature. The author currently resides in Long Island, New York.