My Little Woven Thoughts

Volume I - Who's Eve Am I?

by T. W. Spalding



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/18/2011

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781456720537
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781456720544
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 116
ISBN : 9781456739997

About the Book

Oh where, Oh where, can my Adam be? Are you tired of settling for less? Does it feel like you keep on attracting the same type of men? Do you often wonder if God hears your prayers when you ask him to bless you with the desires of your heart? Have you been searching for love in all the wrong places? Have you lost hope that your true soul mate doesn’t exist? If you have answered “yes” to any of these questions, then this is the perfect book for you. Within this book, I have shared some of my deepest and personal pages of my journal. I had been on a mission to find “My Personal Adam” for many years and I was very stubborn and didn’t want to wait on God, but eventually I had to run to the altar. I had experienced some good, bad, ugly and unexpected relationships and marriages, but when I finally waited on God, my “Personal Adam” found me. I was hooked at a fish fry…. I believe red snapper was on the menu. As you read through these pages, I pray that you will find the desire to stop settling for less, the courage to reflect back on your life and the patience to wait for God to bless you with your true soul mate.

About the Author

T. W. Spalding currently resides in Huntsville, AL with her handsome and loving husband, Thomas (TJ). She is the mother of two beautiful daughters, Toneka and Karmyn. T. W. Spalding began her writing career at a young age. She would find peace and comfort when she would write in her journal. She began writing her thoughts on paper, because she felt no one would understand her or want to listen to her. One day while writing in her journal, she realized in a funny, but weird kind of way that the pages in her journal rhyme. She started to share her writings with many people and when she was told she was a poet, she always responded with these words, “These are just my thoughts on paper that just so happen rhyme,” and then she would giggle softly. T.W. Spalding is a survivor of sexual abuse, betrayal, domestic violence, rage, mental illness, divorce, low self-esteem and other insecurities that would prevent the average person from succeeding or hinder a person from experiencing true happiness. She has overcome many obstacles in her life and by God's grace, mercy and constant prayer she has finally arrived. T.W. Spalding is on a mission to spread the good news that you can "flip the switch" on the negative things that life throws at you and turn those things to something positive. T.W. Spalding prays that all of her "My Little Woven Thoughts" will enhance someone's marriage, encourage someone to let go of their past, and last but not least prevent men and women from settling for less in any area of their life, especially love. T. W. Spalding is well known for her motivating, uplifting and inspirational writings, crafts, and other uniquely designed love tokens that will be available in the near future.