My Little Woven Thoughts

Volume II - Now That I'm Hooked, What's Next?

by T. W. Spalding



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/16/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781463413644
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781463413637
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781463413620

About the Book

Now that I am hooked, what’s next? Will my marriage be remembered as a fairy tale? Will everyday be sunny? How will we handle our differences? Are you happy in your marriage? Does it feel like you keep dealing with the same problems? Did you really think that your marriage was going to be perfect, even though your soul mate had arrived? Has your husband moved to the head position? Have you down shifted to the neck? Have you two learned how to agree to disagree? Has your marriage lost its spark? Do you all still have date night? No matter how you may have answered these questions, this is a book every married couple should read. I shared some of my deepest and personal pages of my journal in my first book titled, My Little Woven Thoughts-Volume I-Who’s Eve Am I? Now I have done the same thing in this book. My husband Thomas (TJ) and I had been married more than once. This time we both wanted to experience the togetherness, excitement and gain the will power to resolve any issues that might come up in our day to day activities. We are determined not to end up divorced again. We wanted to get a better understanding of the roles that a man and a woman play in a God-fearing marriage. The only way we were going to achieve this goal is by surrendering all of our ideas to what marriage was really about and trust God’s instructions. Not only did we have to trust God’s instructions, we had to believe in those instructions and we had to apply those instructions every day. Is marriage easy? No, but with every challenge that comes your way, you must continue to choose your soul mate. I heard Oscar Johnson, my father-in-law say, "Every morning that God allows you to wake up to see your "soul mate"; you must remember the vows you took before God." It will be your choice if you will believe or if you will not believe that “true love can happen”. We thank God daily for blessing us with a special romance. We made the choice to “Believe God”. May you learn to reevaluate your current marriage, look inside of your own soul and try to do it God’s way. We did. We are happy even when the storms of life come. Guess what? On a daily basis we continue to choose one another. Marriage is not a fairy tale, but with God, your marriage can reflect a true love story.

About the Author

T.W. Spalding is the author of My Little Woven Thoughts-Volume I-Who’s Eve Am I? that was released in February of 2011. She has endured many challenges and has found her "personal healing remedy", which is writing her thoughts on paper. She is a "POW" (Piece of Work), but she is not afraid to share her personal thoughts with the world. She feels that her mind and body has endured enough torture and she is determined to help someone overcome their hidden issues. She wants to share the medicine for the soul that God has allowed her to find, she has learned to apply this medicine to her own wounds of life and now she is healed from all of her past pains. She is finally free from all of that mental bondage. T. W. Spalding began her writing career at a young age. She would find peace and comfort when she would write in her journal. She began writing her thoughts on paper, because she felt no one would understand her or want to listen to her. One day while writing in her journal, she realized in a funny, but weird kind of way that the pages in her journal rhyme. She started to share her writings with many people and when she was told she was a poet, she always responded with these words, “These are just my thoughts on paper that just so happen to rhyme,” and then she would giggle softly. T. W. Spalding is well known for her motivating, uplifting and inspirational writings, crafts, and other uniquely designed love tokens that will be available in the near future.