The Fundamentals of Nuclear Power Generation

Questions & Answers

by M. W. Hubbell



Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 7/28/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 540
ISBN : 9781463424411
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 540
ISBN : 9781463426583

About the Book

Since the dawn of nuclear energy to recent events in the nuclear industry...if you have ever been curious about nuclear power, then this is the book for you. From the people who work in the nuclear industry to the nuclear groups that help guide the nuclear industry....this book is dedicated to all those that have brought this industry to where it is today. Nuclear power is technology that can bring electricity to every household... but we must first make sure everyone knows what the facts this book.

About the Author

As a child I had always questioned how things work. After working 13 years for the local fossil fuel company as a power plant operator I decided to earn my AAS degree in Power Plant Technology from Bismarck State College. In 2002 to present I work for Bismarck State College as an online adjunct faculty member teaching multiple courses in fossil and nuclear plant technology. In 2005 I graduated with a BA in Psychology and 2009 an MS in Psychology from Walden University. In 2008 I was hired on by Constellation Energy as an Engineering Technical Instructor. In Spring 2011 I have returned to school to work on my BS in Power Plant Technology from Excelsior College. My questioning attitude has made me believe that others might have the same questions that I have so I decided to write my first book: Fundamental of Power Generation that was published in 2006 and this book to be published in 2011. I hope everyone gains as much from this book as I have.